Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Boston Marathon Weekend

I received a wonderful gift and flew out Saturday morning to be a part of the cheer team of my good friend, Rod Anderson. I know that you're wondering, but no, I did not wear an actual cheer leading uniform! We took planes, trains and automobiles from Detroit to Providence to Boston and it was quite a trip. Rod registered for the race Saturday night at the convention center and the amount of people there was out of this world. We went to Vinny T's for supper and enjoyed the Boston scenery including the train. The next day, we indulged Jodie and went to the John F. Kennedy presidential museum or library...while interesting, history just isn't my passion. Jodie bought a few posters for her classroom and yawn, we finally left. HAHA, don't tell anybody that I said that. Yada yada...race day. What an experience of a lifetime!!! Jodie and I took the train out to Framingham (10k) and watched the wheelchair racers, the elite women and men and then finally, the masses of people. Some of these people who are running, look like they shouldn't be able to run a 5k, let alone a marathon. From the cancer survivor to the blind man with guides helping him run the race...the father pushing his son in the wheelchair and the son putting up his thumb when he could hear the cheers...the husband pushing his wife in a chair...the elite women sprinting (literally)...and just the cheering and general air about the race was amazing. It chokes me up just to think of some of these racers.
Team Anderson missed Rod at the Wellesley checkpoint because the train was late so we had to hustle just to make the finish line. Again, wall to wall people and yet the atmosphere was intense. We made our way to about 100 yards or so to the finish line and watched the runners come in. Some looked great and others did not fare as well. Runners with leg cramps so bad that they could barely walk made me just want to cry for them. Others would stop and encourage or help them along and the crowd yelling to push them the last 100 yards to the finish. I saw two men basically carry a runner down the final stretch. These men gave up their times to help this man across. He could not even bend his legs - they must have been so cramped. We got nervous because Rod wasn't coming at the time that he anticipated...you guessed it...leg cramps. He had them at mile 11 and kept running and stretching his legs. When we finally spotted him, you could tell that his pain was immense as his face was contorted and he was concentrating so hard. He made it! Not in the time that he would have liked (3 hours 48 minutes, I think), but he finished that marathon. It was quite an experience and very humbling. When I think about the runners facing huge obstacles, I better get off my duff and get back to exercising. Anyone, care to go for a run? :)


Pam said...

Go Rod! I am sure I wil NEVER run a marathon. Although, trying to lose this baby weight I may have to start running.
Sounds like you had a fun weekend. No Kids? Hanging with a great friend? = fun!!

Amanda Irene said...

Wow! That is really cool. I wish I could have gone! I would like to get away to see something cool like that. I loved the story. Such an easy read. You always are though. :)

Oh, and by the way TAG your it!!! It's a little game we play I post something and then you have to too. You tag other freinds. It's the How we met story. Can't wait to hear it. Pam, kara, jenny, and a bunch of other people did it. Next will be whats in your fridge?


chris k said...

Pam...it was fun and I truly enjoy the excitement of those types of events. The everyday person completing huge goals. I could never do it either...it's on my to do list but i don't even want to run for 4 or more hours.
Amanda...I looked up your how we met story and I had already read the others. I will try to put it together. Are pictures mandatory or optional? I had a dress that I cannot believe that I wore...picture big bow on butt!! :)

Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

oh come on Chris, pictures pictures :) want to see the bow !!

Pam said...

I can't wait to see the bow! It reminds me of a bridesmaids dress I had to wear in the 90's. Me with a big bow and puffy sleeves.

Laurie said...

I'm tired just reading about running! Dean is planning on running the 10 mile in the CRIM in August. I said the baby and I would be there cheering him on. :)

Can't wait to read your story and see pictures!!

Amanda Irene said...

So it seems pictures are manditory!

Can't wait. It was kind of a then and now picture event. We understand that you only had what was in style to choose from at the time. We won't hold it against you. :)

Jenny LaBo said...

Now if you ran a marathon with a bow on your butt....that would be something.

chris k said...

Jenny ~ I don't want to even picture me running with a bow on my butt! Thanks for that laugh, silly girl. How's the move going?

Sarah Glupker said...

But why stop at running a marathon with a bow on the butt? How about biking with a bowed-up butt? How about skipping with a bow on the butt? Geese, might as well just put a bow on your butt and call it a new fashion statement. I think you could get something going down there at Webber.... dare to be different, Chris.


Sarah Glupker said...

I'm waiting to see that bow tomorrow at church....don't let me down girl.

Peace out,
