Sunday, April 6, 2008

Florida pictures...maybe.

I made the boys listen to Dr. Seuss story time and get a picture with the above Things. Sometimes, I really do think that these two visit my house when I am away.
So, I weaseled all of us down to the first row in the Sinbad show and the kids were chosen to help the crowd get excited. They all did a great job and were super excited...Trevor, especially. They each received a gold coin for participating. If you ask Trevor - he'll tell you that it's real!

Sorry...not so good on the pictures, but notice Trevor. :)

Seussland was wonderful at Universal Studios (Islands of Adventure). We had a great time.

Pharoah's Fury...a swinging boat that I would have definitely gotten sick on - the Bickerman's loved it!!!

Vivian and Trevor at Cypress Gardens.

We had an Easter Egg Hunt at the Condo. Kaleb and Trevor both found 20 eggs.
I know that you were all dying to see some pictures, but I couldn't figure out the cool slide shows. Maybe I'll add it to my list of things to learn. Thanks for checking out our silly Florida pictures.


The Speer's said...

I'm glad you all got to get out of Michigan and this cold wheather. Everyone needs to get away and regroup once in awhile. I hope you enjoyed yourself.

Pam said...

Great pictures. I love looking at other people warm, fun vacations. As always, your boys make me laugh! You look great with a tan too!!!

Kara said...

Yeah! Pictures! The shows look like fun, but anything is fun with Trevor around. :)

TraceyLD said...

Your a blogger!!! I didn't know. I knew that you had been reading our blogs but did not know you got your own site up. I'm going to read your whole blog later but I have a child who is waiting to read to me.
Great Florida pictures!

Jenny LaBo said...

Great pictures. I love the one of Vivian and Trevor it almost looks like they are standing on the grass next to the keep off the grass sign.
You clever clever Kleins!

chris k said...

Jen...I don't know if I have ever been called clever. But I like it. It certainly fits. HAHA

Amanda Irene said...

Your kids are cute! I don't like that dr.suess guy. He's creepy.

Sarah Glupker said...

So.....tell me the scoop-de-poop,
Looks like I"m a little late on commenting, eh? Now tell me, Did you prefer Thing #1 or Thing #2? Or did they somehow, strangely enough, seem almost identical? Hmmm. These are things one must know.
Though your trip was certainly...what's the word?....interesting, one could certainly say that it was not dull in any way, shape, or form. Glad you had fun!

chris k said...

Sarah...I really think that Thing 2 was my favorite. Oh, I know that everyone tells you not to pick favorites...but he just seemed a little friendlier. Notice the bigger smile? Look harder. Could you see the difference? I knew that you were able to tell. Silly Sarah :)

Amanda Irene said...

Are you home yet??? I had to be you in the nursery it wasn't easy! :)