Friday, February 27, 2009

Trevorisms & flooding

If you read the previous post, you know that Trevor is sick. Really sick, as in I really don't know when this child of mine decided that tv wasn't important. Last night, he came into our bedroom and told me, "Mom, come quick. Kaleb's bed is exploding!" Thankfully, his bed wasn't really exploding. His fever had gone up to around 102 and I just told him that he needed a dose of Tylenol and he would feel better.
My brother Greg came over this morning and stayed with Trevor while I was at school and Kraig was at a flooded poo plant (more info. later). The best comment of the day was Trevor whispering to my brother that he was sure that he'd feel better if he only had some gushers. This is actually laughable because any other day, gushers would be the last fruit snack that he would grab.
Another funny quote from Trevor was this one. "Mom, I know that you think you know what you're doing, but maybe we should just call Aunt Viv." Okay, really? I've done this before and while I know that Viv is a nurse, she just couldn't do any better that I am doing at this point. Did my mom badge actually tarnish? I actually thought that I was doing a pretty good job and could actually win something...a hug perhaps? (Kidding, of course)
One last thought from the it's got to be the end of February!! Kraig has been working for the past 7 or 8 months on a huge waste water treatment plant job and will continue this job until November of this year. Who would have thought that he would get an early 6:00 am phone call to get to the job site because of flooding? He raced over to the job and stepped out of his truck, only to step into "MUD" (aka poo) up to his knees!!!!!!!!! Two of the large poo holes (I don't know what they're really called) were overflowing throughout the entire area and the building that he was working in yesterday was flooded up to the lights. Can I hear a yuck come from you? Needless to say, I am grateful that the shop is still located in Spaulding Twp. because he went there, rinsed off and washed his clothes before he came home bearing a Coke slurpee for Trevor.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Second week of pulling teeth!

I never thought that I could become like a dentist, but I am so there. I ask a question, give significant wait time for students to answer, and it's like I am in an alternate universe. Does anyone speak? anyone in here? The kids are in their seats and they actually have their materials. They look like students...oh wait, they would need to be involved in their learning. This is why I am thinking that I should just become a dentist. I already act like I am pulling out their teeth, or maybe my hair. Do I look bald to you? :)

Anyways, the team came to visit and tho different people came into my room, saw the work my students were trying to complete, and then left. No words of wisdom, no why don't you try......., no nothing! Oh well, maybe they have no suggestions for improving learning or they were just taking notes. Orrrrrrrrrr, they saw that I was teaching in the alternate universe and could not pull me out into the real world.

In other news, Trevor's teacher called to tell me that he was sick today. He left home feeling fine this morning and got progressively worse by 10:30. So, we are home. A half day off to catch up on laundry and actually cook. Woohoo for me and boo for Trevor.

I will end with a you know your child is sick when...
1. he forgets to put on his favorite hat as you're leaving school.
2. he doesn't think a coke slurpee would help him feel better. (a slurpee does magic)
3. he walks slowly in the house and goes upstairs to his room to take a nap.
4. he decides to sleep on the bottom bunk. (the bottom bunk is not cool)
5. he asks you to shut the blinds more because there is a sliver of light coming through.
6. he doesn't ask to watch any cartoons.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Enough already.....I get it!

February 22 - no snow storm predicted for the evening and a long week of teaching ahead of me. I do not want to moan or mulk, sulk or sigh....but I get it. I will not get another snow day this school year. but, I long for one. That hopeful ahhhhhhh, as I get an early morning phone call, from friends who get up way too early for me, to simply turn off the alarm clock and roll over - no school today. Yes, I know that I am spoiled and most "big people" do not get snow days. However, I had a long week last week and did not connect with students because most simply refused to work. It was a very long week and I am dreading the start of this week. So, if you could add me to your prayer list, that would be great. I feel like I lost my optimism that I could make a difference at AH and I really need to regain my motivation. We have three different days this week where outsiders are going to come in and tell us how we could best help our kids. Pray that my students decide to do their best for the remainder of the school year if it crosses your mind as you drive by a school. So many of them are not doing well in their classes.

I can do this, right????????????????????

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Useless bits of information

Somedays, I have a funny job. This week has been one of those times. This is just a small sampling of what I can remember.

1. Today was count day. Kids in the hallway who were tardy (on purpose) told me, "I'm not goin' to class 'cuz you don't deserve no raise anyway." Funny, I have never received a single raise my entire teaching career. Thankfully, I don't even have this student which made it slightly funnier. This day ensures that schools get their funding which is spent on the students. Obviously, the newspaper is not dropped off on his front doorstep.

2. "Ms. Klein, I know that you think that you're funny, but your jokes are just bad." Okay, so I did tell a bad joke, but it was Trevor's. - What does a bee say when he's flying backwards? Zzub, zzub. My audience seems to get tougher daily. Either that or my jokes just aren't funny anymore. Nah, must be the audience.

3. A girl speaking with another student at her locker..."Ms. _____ (to protect the innocent) is so fat, she stank, and she always tryin' to tell me what to do!" Hmmmm, this is not a tough one. A teacher can tell a student what to do if it's reasonable and safe and the activity is for the student's benefit. This doesn't seem so shocking. The teacher has never "stank" (I think that must be the past tense of stink) and I frequently talk with theteacher named in the hallway after school. I have never smelled an obnoxious stench from her. Perhaps she has a little girth but the girl is not the slimmest one in the bunch either. Can you call someone else fat if you are similar in size? If so, wouldn't you be calling yourself fat too?

4. As I walked around the room checking students and their work, I stopped to help a boy who was clearly not understanding the work. I helped him and it looked like he was confident so I moved on to the next student. He whispered to the kid in front of him, "She's always tryin' to help somebody." I actually turned around and laughed. So, clearly, in the future, when I should ever have an encounter with a clueless person who looks like he or she needs help, I will definitely ignore! I will ignore the smattering of hands raised or the questions that must be answered.

5. The best one of the week was Trevor's. He was trying to explain how an odd number could be transformed (his word) into an even number. "Dad, let's suppose you have 3 pieces of candy. You can make it into an even number by giving a piece of candy to each person and then splitting the remaining piece in half." Kraig asked him how one and a half became two and he even did it without laughing. Trevor just shook his head and told him, "Dad, you just don't get it, do ya. Each person has two pieces of candy."

Monday, February 2, 2009

Volleyball Tournament

Dare I say that we saved the best for last? I think that I should absolutely say that. We actually won our first game. A surprise for us and probably the team that we played also. Then, we played again and WON! Two in a row - it was a total record for us. That last match was a good one, a real nail-biter...think Superbowl Sunday, as in down to the last moment. The first game went to IBC 22-20. The second game - the other chicks! The third game...went back and forth. It was a rally score game to 15 and the final score was the other chicks 19-17. We took second place and didn't get the large trophy that would have looked great in Cathy's office window. She doesn't really need to see out of her window, does she? Well, her view will stay open and the trophy will hang out with the other chicks. Maybe another day.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Gap

First, an apology to Phil...if you are someone named Cathy who lives with the guy named Phil, you may not check out The Gap for any bargains stated below. By the way Phil, I should totally get bonus points for that little statement. ;)

The Gap has steals right now. Boy pants were less than $5 and there were some shirts and 1/4 zip sweatshirts for $6. All clearance items are 25% off right now. If you are able to shop for the next year and trust your judgement, it helps. I do not find the wonderful thrift store buys that Pam can find. Where are these thrift stores Pam???? Any of the ones that I have gone into have been junky. What are your secrets, oh thrift store guru's?

Anyone else have any bargain shopping places to go?

2nd major news - Trevor won the "Most Unique" car at the Pinewood Derby. He was thrilled and got a big trophy. It's all about aerodynamics and the camo paint must have helped. Enjoy your sunny, warm day. It's almost balmy up here...pretty soon kids will have their shorts and t-shirts on playing basketball in the driveway.