Friday, February 27, 2009

Trevorisms & flooding

If you read the previous post, you know that Trevor is sick. Really sick, as in I really don't know when this child of mine decided that tv wasn't important. Last night, he came into our bedroom and told me, "Mom, come quick. Kaleb's bed is exploding!" Thankfully, his bed wasn't really exploding. His fever had gone up to around 102 and I just told him that he needed a dose of Tylenol and he would feel better.
My brother Greg came over this morning and stayed with Trevor while I was at school and Kraig was at a flooded poo plant (more info. later). The best comment of the day was Trevor whispering to my brother that he was sure that he'd feel better if he only had some gushers. This is actually laughable because any other day, gushers would be the last fruit snack that he would grab.
Another funny quote from Trevor was this one. "Mom, I know that you think you know what you're doing, but maybe we should just call Aunt Viv." Okay, really? I've done this before and while I know that Viv is a nurse, she just couldn't do any better that I am doing at this point. Did my mom badge actually tarnish? I actually thought that I was doing a pretty good job and could actually win something...a hug perhaps? (Kidding, of course)
One last thought from the it's got to be the end of February!! Kraig has been working for the past 7 or 8 months on a huge waste water treatment plant job and will continue this job until November of this year. Who would have thought that he would get an early 6:00 am phone call to get to the job site because of flooding? He raced over to the job and stepped out of his truck, only to step into "MUD" (aka poo) up to his knees!!!!!!!!! Two of the large poo holes (I don't know what they're really called) were overflowing throughout the entire area and the building that he was working in yesterday was flooded up to the lights. Can I hear a yuck come from you? Needless to say, I am grateful that the shop is still located in Spaulding Twp. because he went there, rinsed off and washed his clothes before he came home bearing a Coke slurpee for Trevor.


Laura Wells said...

Gross. Ick . And I can't wait for March. Maybe it should be April though that's when spring break is and that's when the sick cycles usually end. I am so glad Kraig has a place to clean up, other than your house!

TraceyLD said...

Sorry to hear that Trevor has not been feeling well. I think this flu stuff has really hit hard this year.
I'm glad I don't have Craig's job. So glad he washed those clothes before he came home. Gross! I'm still shuttering when I think about how deep that stuff was!

Amanda Irene said...

okay yeah YUUUUUUCK!!! We had to have our drai cleaned b/c the "mudd" was on the floor and the guy kept saying I hate my job. and "You know man this aint even my flavor." I think no one should ever refer to poo as a flavor!!! kudos to kraig!

chris k said...

poo is a flavor? Really? What planet is this guy from?