Thursday, February 26, 2009

Second week of pulling teeth!

I never thought that I could become like a dentist, but I am so there. I ask a question, give significant wait time for students to answer, and it's like I am in an alternate universe. Does anyone speak? anyone in here? The kids are in their seats and they actually have their materials. They look like students...oh wait, they would need to be involved in their learning. This is why I am thinking that I should just become a dentist. I already act like I am pulling out their teeth, or maybe my hair. Do I look bald to you? :)

Anyways, the team came to visit and tho different people came into my room, saw the work my students were trying to complete, and then left. No words of wisdom, no why don't you try......., no nothing! Oh well, maybe they have no suggestions for improving learning or they were just taking notes. Orrrrrrrrrr, they saw that I was teaching in the alternate universe and could not pull me out into the real world.

In other news, Trevor's teacher called to tell me that he was sick today. He left home feeling fine this morning and got progressively worse by 10:30. So, we are home. A half day off to catch up on laundry and actually cook. Woohoo for me and boo for Trevor.

I will end with a you know your child is sick when...
1. he forgets to put on his favorite hat as you're leaving school.
2. he doesn't think a coke slurpee would help him feel better. (a slurpee does magic)
3. he walks slowly in the house and goes upstairs to his room to take a nap.
4. he decides to sleep on the bottom bunk. (the bottom bunk is not cool)
5. he asks you to shut the blinds more because there is a sliver of light coming through.
6. he doesn't ask to watch any cartoons.


Laurie said...

It's sad to see kids sick, but yeah for extra time to do stuff around the house.

Pam said...

Oh Boy he is sick. No cartoons and on the bottom bunk? Definite signs. The bottom bunk isn't cool in our house either.
Still praying for you Teacher.

Kara said...

I can just picture him slinking upstairs... poor guy. Hope he feels better tomorrow.

So what was for supper???

chris k said...

P- thanks for the prayers. I definitely need them.
K- we had a pasta dish with veggies. Kaleb was not a fan and had raviolis instead. Trevor is still laying around and is great friends with the toilet. Poor guy.

Sarah Glupker said...

You're my hero, Chris K!
Is there one in the bunch who may come out of this for the better?? Sometimes there's just that "one". I don't know. I'm not in the educational sphere and I'm probably a little ignorant to even speak about it, but I have to believe you have some impact, even if it is only on a relational basis. OR...I could be totally cuckoo.
Trev-man...Wuz up with the flu bug?? Hope you're feeling better, big guy!
I thought Coke slurpees were on the "No admittance" list at the Klein household??? Hmmm. Somebody's got some explainin' to do.


Amanda said...

no cartoons! sounds like he definetly needs some strong antibiotics!! Hang in there what is it, only 60 more days of school.

Phil Luter said...

If you can go home at night and look in the mirror at a person who did her best, you have had a successful day. You can't let other people determine for you whether you have had a good day. They only can decide for themselves that they will not succeed not for you. You have one of the toughest jobs in America. They are fortunate to have you. Many teachers have given up.

Laura Wells said...

Don't give up.As for the sickness, I expect nothing less from the month of February.