Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Gap

First, an apology to Phil...if you are someone named Cathy who lives with the guy named Phil, you may not check out The Gap for any bargains stated below. By the way Phil, I should totally get bonus points for that little statement. ;)

The Gap has steals right now. Boy pants were less than $5 and there were some shirts and 1/4 zip sweatshirts for $6. All clearance items are 25% off right now. If you are able to shop for the next year and trust your judgement, it helps. I do not find the wonderful thrift store buys that Pam can find. Where are these thrift stores Pam???? Any of the ones that I have gone into have been junky. What are your secrets, oh thrift store guru's?

Anyone else have any bargain shopping places to go?

2nd major news - Trevor won the "Most Unique" car at the Pinewood Derby. He was thrilled and got a big trophy. It's all about aerodynamics and the camo paint must have helped. Enjoy your sunny, warm day. It's almost balmy up here...pretty soon kids will have their shorts and t-shirts on playing basketball in the driveway.


Laura Wells said...

I can't wait for shorts and basketball. Of course, at my house it's leotards and tutus with soccer cleats, much to the amusement of my neighbors. February is the toughest month of the year for terms of weather.

Pam Wickman said...

Trevor....YOU ROCK!! It IS all about the paint. I know these things. I have a ten year old that confirmed it too.

My thrift store secret? It takes time. I go to Sal. Army. The one in Midland is great! The ones down here are really good because the people who live around here apparently really like their brand name clothes. I like to purchase their barely used brand name clothes. It works well.
P.S. Jenny LaBo is a great thrifter as well. :)

Laurie said...

I got Addie a couple things from Gap, and was pleasantly surprised at the extra 25% off. I LOVE baby gap. :) We had a girls day and ice-cream!

Phil Luter said...

Cathy is too sick to blog. She may not see it until the sale is over. Too bad. I guess there is a silver lining in every cloud.

chris k said...

Poor Cathy. Hope she feels better soon.