Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Week 1 (Vacation without the Bickerman's)

I looked forward to this week...is that wrong? Kaleb and Trevor were going to camp and I would have 5 glorious days to myself. At first, Kraig was going to be able to go, but then work started to pile up and couldn't go. So I dropped the boys off Sunday afternoon at Springhill, watched them ride off on the fire trucks and then took the trolley to meet their counselors and see where they were staying. Trevor went as a lone wolf and met friends immediately, played and wasn't even slightly concerned that I was leaving. He became best buds with his bunk mate and won the "Knowledge Award" for all of his useless tidbits of information. His head ballooned out when he heard about his knowledge award. He had a great time!
Kaleb ended up going with his cousin Jacob and Eric S. They slept in Fort Walton, which was part of the Fort Michimackinac fort scheme. The fort was two stories high and there were probably five or six of them within a gated compound. They had two great young guys for counselors and had a formation like the mighty ducks every time they left an activity. Kaleb talked a lot about how much fun he had and about how he was going to make sure that his prayers included thanking God instead of just asking for things all of the time. He said that in Copper Country, they used their Bible's a lot more and he learned something new every day. The counselors also incorporated their daily studies into all of the activities. My nephew received a Bible and learned some things that he talked about at lunch that day (Friday). If you can believe this, Kaleb won the Friendly Award. I almost picked up dirt with my dropped bottom lip! Was this the same Bickerman child that I dropped off on Sunday? He looked like my child, but the friendly award???? Kidding, of course. It sounded like Kaleb, too had a good time. You'll have to ask Eric S. if he had a good time, it seemed like he did.
The week went so fast but I truly enjoyed myself and the days of being with friends without having to be a mom. Sarah was tons of fun and she busted my butt on the bike. That girl is a maniac! If you've read her blog, you know that she has problems with directions, but we did manage to make it back to the camper safely after each "Lost" episode. I went on a boat ride, even though boats don't really get along with me very well. When we went on the boat ride, courtesy of the Andersons, we played havoc on their property at Walloon Lake. Viv G. and I had a major problem trying to get the paddle boat up to the water trampoline so that she could sit on it and read her book...for two minutes... before I had to paddle all the way back out there to get her.
Traverse City was a day trip so that Sarah could go there and visit...can you imagine being Sarah and not having been to TC? Well, that about explains week 1 of vacationing without the Bickerman's. Did I mention that I totally beat Sarah at Badminton!!!! Chris K rules!


Kara said...

That is so great that the boys had a good time at camp- and actually learned stuff! My fear is to send anyone away and get that dreaded call... "Your child is having a nervous breakdown, could you please come pick him/her up?" I worry too much.

And that Sarah, someday when I'm not pregnant I'd love to ride a bike with her. I think.

amber said...

What fun! It sounds like you had such a good time. I wish I could leave my kids without feeling guilty. Matt's mom is taking them for three days this week, and I feel terrible already! Glad your boys liked camp. Camp was always a highlight for me and boost in my walk with God. Maybe we should take up a collection to buy you and Sarah a GPS before you go on more adventures!

The Speer's said...

It's not bad to enjoy your time without kids. We all need that sometimes. How do you like the camp you went to? Do they have things for the kids to do. Glad to see that you enjoyed your time away.

Amanda Irene said...

You rock Chris. I must say that at least twice a week!

Badmition huh. Sounds like a new church picnic activity to me! "the play offs"

I love going to camp! Sounds like the kids did too!

Jen said...

Oh I LOVE TC! I have missed traveling this summer...

Sarah Glupker said...


So you had to post the fact that you beat me at Badminton on your blog in order to boost up your ego because you know I LET you beat me. This is getting pathetic. (Yes, I"m reading your blog a bit after the fact).