Friday, November 7, 2008

My hard-working man

Kraig has been working so hard and found out today that hand injury number 4,679 has an infection. I'm telling you, I better take out some more life insurance. The lady at Med-Express asked him if he had a recent tetanus shot and of course he answered that he had one only a week and a half ago. Maybe I should buy some bubble wrap like we mentioned in earlier posts!
Anyways, Kraig let the boys keep the trampoline up because they just knew the weather would get better...said in a whiney tone, of course. So, tonight after seeing a movie, the three boys went outside and worked to take down the netting. Well, two boys worked and Trevor monkey just hung around. We enjoyed that last bit of warm weather and now on to ski season.


Chris said...

Kraig's hand looks BAD!!

Anyway, I finally posted about my trip. I know you've been waiting.

Amanda Irene said...

I saw kraig upright walking around in church so it must be healing?

chris k said...

His hand is healing but it still looks like Oprah's paw (if you've ever watched Mad TV's rendition of Oprah on the skinny tv set!)

Sarah Glupker said...


Seems like I remember a leg injury last Summer after running into a deck or ladder or some such other piece of material. Some people and their propensity for injuries...hmmmm
How are you Chris K??

Sarah G.