Sunday, March 23, 2008

Did I mention it was 82 today?

As I write this, my nose is bright red, think Rudolph, and I am sporting the white sunglass strip! A fashion statement for sure! The drive was loooooooong and the Bickerman's made their appearance a few times. Typical're on my side, get off me, that's my game boy game and you can't play, etc. Our condo is nice and the pool is wonderful. The boys and I drove down to Avon Park to stay the night with Vivian and we're going to Cypress Gardens tomorrow before we drive back to Orlando and meet back up with Lori, my teacher friend. I think that Universal Studios is where we're headed on Tuesday and then my long range plans become incomplete. We are just resting, relaxing and having a good time. I forgot what it was like to sit by a pool with the sun on my face and actually read a book. A few more months and we can all bask in the sunshine. Have a great rest of the Easter week, especially those of you with school vacations. Later gators! :D


Jenny LaBo said...

Ahhh the sunglass stripe...:) I am now peeling. So attractive.

Kara said...

I wish I was there. It is supposed to snow a couple inches here in a couple days. Oh boy.

amber said...

Hurray for you! It was sunny today, so I tried to pretend it was 80*. It didn't work! We're thinking of going to FL in a couple weeks. We might as well use the condo for vacation if we can't sell it!

Pam said...

As I watch it snow and think of you in 80 degree weather....I'M JEALOUS!!! I hope you enjoy yourself and relax.

The Speer's said...

Enjoy it while you can sooner than later you will be back in this cold wheather. Have fun.

chris k said...

Amber...I don't know how you lived there. The driving was horrible. You are truly a big city girl.
Pam...I am jealous as you cozy up to Evan and enjoy that new baby smell and snuggle time. Also, I'm sure that you have great helpers.
Jenny...I am sporting the peel already. I already have major lizard looks!