Thursday, March 13, 2008

Well, here goes!

Amanda asked many questions and I will try to answer them...if I can remember!

I am married to a wild and crazy guy...Kraig. He is an electrician and a type A personality. He started his own business a long time ago thinking that he would have more time with his family. This was a dream! The reality is long hours but a happy husband...ah, the trade-offs. My oldest son is Kaleb and he is an artist. He loves to draw and read and watch Napolean Dynamite. The moon boots thing gets him everytime and the katrate part. If you haven't seen it yet, Kaleb would say watch it! He is taking guitar lessons from Joey and loves him...the guitar is okay too but it kinda hurts his fingers. Trevor is the youngest and he is a funny one. He loves to play the drums...thanks to Lynn, the master drummer, swim, and play tennis. His hand eye coordination is not so good on most days so we spend the majority of the time chasing balls instead of actually playing. He is pretty laid back and wants to be a scientist...hug a tree, hug a tree is his latest saying.
Amanda wanted to know the kids' shoe sizes but I am the mom who takes the kids into the store and am shocked to realize that the kids have had small shoes on for months! Usually, one or two sizes too small.
I look up to many people for different reasons. Vivian G. is like a mom to me, since mine is no longer around and Dave G. is like a dad. They are my family, by choice. I have a ball with my Webber teacher friends and look to them for humor in the workplace and a break from the insanity that I sometimes encounter. I have college friends that I can call once a month or once a year and start up like there was never a gap in time. Those are the best! I have come to know my church as a part of my family because I see these people more than I see my own family sometimes. I also have many little ones that I love and look forward to seeing in the nursery each week. What a blessing they are to me...especially the potty trained ones who like to sit and discuss all kinds of great topics!!!
I cannot think of one other question that Amanda asked so I will close with a thought. A person's slice of life, no matter how inconsequential it may seem, allows others to view a portion of one's inner thoughts and develop a better understanding of said person. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know you all, you know who you are, and allowing me to stalk on your sights. I now know that I can sleep better tonight for having said my deepest thought at this moment in my life. By the way, I think that I missed choir practice.


Laurie said...

Yeah! Welcome to blogging Chris. I look forward to your posts. :)

chris k said...

Thanks Laurie. I thought that I messed it up last night, but it actually worked. See you Sunday.

Pam said...

I'm so glad you have a blog Chris! Now I can keep up with you too :)
Give Trevor a hug for me!

amber said...

You have mastered blogging, Chris! It was fun to read about your family - I think your boys are so sweet. I can't wait until they're in the youth group! Jackson was totally engrossed in his new toys today (Reese, too). Thank you, thank you!

Kara said...

Forget the choir! Come to band practice Sun morn at 9:30! We'll find something for you to play.

Your kids are great. Pam and I can totally attest to how amazing Napoleon Dynamite is. Casey is rolling on the floor every time Uncle Rico nails Napoleon in the face with the steak when he is riding the bike with Pedro... I could go on and on.

amber said...

What is it with guys and Napoleon!? Matt could probably quote half the movie!

Pam said...

James LOVES Napoleon Dynamite and could probably do the same as Matt and Kaleb. That movie is just so dumb it's hilarious!!

Jenny LaBo said...

Chris it is great to read about you!!! I am so happy your boys are doing well. I am so GLAD that you started blogging!

Travis,Stephanie, Olivia & Alex said...

wahooo, welcome to the blogger world :)

The Speer's said...

Well it about time you started blogging. Good to hear about the family.

Amanda Irene said...

I just have to say your remind me of meg ryan in every movie she has even been in with your one last thought.

She says good bye dear viod in you've got mail, She has that entire rant about men and women in when harry met sally; did you see french kiss where she tells somebody klein about sharing a kiss and how personal that is. I love her in those movies. When harry met sally is probably in my top 5. It was the first movie I ever bought. So glad to have you here. It's fun to read your thoughts. Your a good writer I felt everything you said!

Amanda Irene said...

Okay it late for me and I should proof read. Oh well, you'll take me as I come!