Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas photos

Kaleb received a surprise gift from Santa - a paintball gun. Dad received one from me and kaleb was super excited to be able to do something with Dad. Kaleb's favorite question, you ask..."Mom, you never would have gotten me a paintball gun, right?"
Santa also deposited a Wii at our house and I must say that you all have 8 safe years out on the roads because Trevor is all over the road. He plays Mario Kart like bumper cars.
I told Kraig that I am never in pictures because I am always the photographer. So, I always try and do the camera flip on myself. My brothers and I decided to stop with the gifts and do something together. We went bowling on Christmas Eve day and then everyone came to our house for sandwiches and games. It was a nice break to enjoy my brother. My second brother was stuck in Howard City with snow, ice and wind.
My two nephews, brother Greg and of course, Trevor. He had everyone in stitches with his Batman impression as he bowls.


Amanda Irene said...


I like the way he said right? with a question mark.

Kara said...

Yep, self portraits are a must!