Monday, January 19, 2009

90 days until the big three-nine!

Well, as you very well could have figured out from the title, I am motivated to drop the big booty before I turn 39. 90 days away...what has happened that I am closer to 40 than 30? I am planning on running a 5K race on March 22 in Bay City and I would like to run it and not walk it. I am totally challenging myself and I have not done that in a long time. So, are there any other takers out there to run a race on March 22? It could be fact, it will be fun!!
90 days...goodbye slurpees (well, at least I'll cut down to only a couple a week), goodbye cake, goodbye pops, hello salads, and fruit, and vegetables.
It just won't be the same without you, coke slurpee. ;)

I have to go and cry so that I can wallow in my self pity as I miss my beloved slurpee.


amber said...

Wow - what a big step! Those slurpees will miss you! I would love to join you on the run, but alas...I will be gone that day!

Amanda Irene said...

hmmm I will have to think about running. It'll be may I am sure by the time I am DONE thinking maybe I could?!

You go girl!

Kara said...

No way Jose. You have a good time.

Sarah Glupker said...

Way to go, Smoky-Joe!!

How's that Coke slurpee-hiatus coming along??
Think of the money you are saving!
Is the YMCA starting to recognize you as a 'regular'?
You're gonna do it, Chris K.! Stick with it, chica.
