does this term come to life during our vacation? Hmmm, where to start. Unbeknowst to his clueless mother, Trevor gets car sick during long trips. Who knew? I thought that he just caught the flu on the way home from Florida. A half hour stop at a McDonalds (somewhere in Pennsylvania on the way there) let me know that vomitosis was alive and raging in my youngest son. Thank goodness Mickey D's was kind enough, or took pity on us to give us some large cups and we made it to the hotel in PA. to stop for the night. Tuesday morning, we continued the journey into DC with a trusty GPS system. Everything was fine until we continually took the wrong right turn because the GPS was like a minute behind. I was getting angry, Kaleb was getting upset and of course, Trevor didn't really care because he knew we'd get there...sooner or later. An hour later, we finally managed to find the hotel and I was never so glad to say goodbye to that van than at that moment!
The next three days were jam packed. We went on a tour bus that had a double decker. We toured the city and saw all of the monuments and memorials with the exception of FDR's because it was 90 degrees and I thought young one was going to die! The morning that we went to the White House, Trevor just knew that President Bush was going to see him and invite him for a tour. My friend Jodie called and broke the news that Bush was in China. This news didn't faze Trevor...someone would see him. Then he heard that some people were getting some kind of a tour and he wondered why we couldn't get one. As I was explaining that his mom decided on Friday that we were coming - there was no way to contact anyone to let them know that Trevor was coming. Chuckles came from all around us, Kaleb rolled his eyes and yet he still didn't understand why no one would take him through the house. Where do these ideas come from?
Museums galore, the National Aquarium, the National Zoo and so many historical places to visit...I thought that we would never finish. While it would not have been my first choice for a vacation, it was a treat for the boys. The Bickerman's rarely showed up because they were busy. Well, that and tired! Thank goodness for the pool at the hotel. Every evening, they came back and swam for over an hour and I was able to read and relax. The only downside was that hubby could not make it. He was home working 12 - 14 hour days but was so proud of the boys and happy that they could experience DC with mom. I did miss adults and adult conversation. Somehow, talks of "boy" things just don't do it for me. I had several friends call and allow me some glorious moments of adulthood. We left Saturday morning and Trevor took Dramamine and did not get sick at all...It was good to get back to a normal life. Even though that means that the dreaded school year will be starting soon. Summer just goes by so quickly.
Glad you had a great time. These times with your boys will be ones you will remember for a lifetime. And they will too.
I'm kind of sad for Trevor that he didn't get to see the president. Sounds like a great trip, I'm glad he did better on the way home!
It was good to see you on Sunday. Welcome home! You have had such a fun summer. I love to read about your adventures.
By the way, I am looking forward to your solo this Sunday! I'm sure the voice will be in tip top shape!
Everyone be sure and be in church this Sunday to hear Chris perform her special number!
Cathy, you are going to spoil the element of surprise for everyone in attendance. Either that...or warn them to be away. :)
I was wondering how the barfs fit in! What's this about a special?:) LOL It's going to be so loud it breaks the sound barrier and no one can hear it right? LOL! :) The silent solo...:)
What an awesome mom! Phil is right - your boys will have great memories of the vacations and time you spent with them. Now if I could become more adventuresome!
Way to go mom. I can imagine how treasured those pool relaxation moments were. Maybe someday I'll take my girls to DC!
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